Tuesday, August 1, 2017


The CHURCH is the BRIDE of CHRIST ~ and is espoused to HIM through a UNION of Divine LOVE in the Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. All Baptized Christians share in this UNION with the BELOVED whether in the lay state, Holy Orders or Consecrated Religious Life. The term BRIDE of CHRIST in the literal sense as WOMAN is shared to the faithful to allow the MAN to be an IMAGE of the BRIDEGROOM as the DIVINE HEAD of the UNIVERSAL CHURCH ~ and therefore, is espoused to a BRIDE ~ a WOMAN wholly dedicated and submissive to the HEAD of the CHURCH! ALL of this is a CALL from the MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST to share in a UNION that is a prefigurement of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb that is in the Book of Revelations and is A SIGN of the COMING OF THE KINGDOM!


A Consecrated VIRGIN is a SIGN of the TIMES in which the BELOVED BRIDEGROOM is an UNBLEMISHED LAMB ~ and VIRGIN untouched and BETROTHED ONLY TO ONE who is ALSO VIRGIN! The VIRGINITY of Mary as Ever-Virgin was to be THE SIGN ~ and therefore, wholly DESIGNED TO BE THE NEW EVE who will crush the Head of the Serpent and TRIUMPHANTLY defeat the Sin of Adam. Consecrated Virginity RECALLS THIS TRIUMPH!