Friday, July 7, 2017


A VIOLATION was made in using a LAW to VIOLATE the RIGHT of Meryl Viola Bravo to enter a Monastery.  And in the VIOLATION of her Dignity as a United States Citizen to worship, they used a citation to prevent her from entering into the convent to pray with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.  In turn, she was placed in jail and was stripped of her dignity to speak for herself and was forced to cooperate to their procedures. 

A Country she TRUSTED to protect her ~
used a Law not to ~
and now she has a Felony ~
for simply being at the door of the Monastery.

Meryl Bravo Statement
August 25, 2015
On Monday, July 1, 2013, I arrived in Detroit, Michigan to discern a vocation to the Religious Life.  I had contacted several Religious Communities on my arrival and visited Our Lady of Assumption Grotto in Detroit, Michigan to attend 7:00 P.M. Mass and Adoration with the Holy Cross Sisters in the Area.  In speaking with the Holy Cross Sisters, I was introduced to the Sisters of the Children of Mary and contacted the Sisters to visit them in Ohio.  I then decided to attend Mass at Ave Maria Chapel at Domino Farms Office in Ann Arbor, Michigan and spent 4th of July in the area.  I introduced myself to the people there and continued to attend Daily Mass and Adoration in the area for Prayer and Reflection.  I was then welcomed by Elizabeth Seigal, a Parishioner of Christ the King and Employee of Domino Farm’s Gift Shop to stay in her home until my arranged meeting with the Sisters of the Children of  Mary in Ohio; and was scheduled to leave on July 10, 2013 from the Ann Arbor Greyhound Bus Station to Columbus, Ohio to arrive at around 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. for the Sisters to pick me up.  I was welcomed to stay in her home until I was to leave for Ohio on the 10th

On Sunday, July 7, 2013, around 4:40 p.m. I was invited by Elizabeth Siegal as she shared with me that people were welcomed to attend Evening Prayer at the Monastery of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.  I was told it was a public event open on Sundays for anyone to attend.  She drove me to the Monastery and brought me to the door and the Sisters greeted me and welcomed me into the chapel.  I introduced myself as Meryl and stayed for evening prayer and in the middle of prayers, Sister asked to speak with me and I followed her to the door.  There were police officers there who requested my identification and asked me of my presence at the Monastery.  I shared with them that I was told that it was a public event open for anyone to attend and so I attended something I would usually do as an aspiring Catholic who desires to enter the Religious Life.   There were other visitors also present that were also welcomed to attend. 
I was given the option to call someone to pick me up.  I called someone to pick me up and my belongings that were left in the chapel were prayer books.  As soon as the people I called to pick me up arrived I was asked to get into the police car and was handcuffed and taken to jail.  I was given a bond and a pretrial on July 18, 2013 under the misdemeanor of stalking.  I have been accused of stalking a community that I have been affiliated with in the past and was treated like I was there for other reasons than to spend time in prayer.  I was sitting among the visitors of the Monastery attentive to the prayers of the Sisters until I was requested to be spoken to. 
I had arrangements to visit another Religious Community that was welcoming me; therefore, I was open to other convents that would consider me for candidacy.  I went to prayers at this public event open to visitors to pray with the Sisters and no other reason.  I had plans to have dinner with Elizabeth Siegel’s family after the prayers was concluded, but I was arrested and put in jail. 
On July 18, 2013, I plea bargained and pled guilty to the misdemeanor of stalking with a deferred sentence of probation for a year.  I returned to California that evening.
On March 20, 2014, in the Catholic Season of Lent, I returned to the Monastery of the Dominican Sisters of Mary seeking to enter their community and receive some form of understanding and reconciliation.  I arrived on their property and rang their doorbell once.  Within minutes, a police officer was at the premises and I was arrested. 
I was placed in custody at the Washtenaw County Jail, and on July 14, 2015 I pled No Contest to the Felony charge of Aggravated Stalking.  I have learned that any form of communication with these Sisters will be perceived as a form of harassment.  I resolve never to contact them again.  Reconciliation is not possible when the other party is not open to dialogue and I resolve to respect their decision and leave it in the hands of Providence. 
I had been on Retreat with the Sisters of Mary three times in previous years and the fourth time I requested to come on retreat the Sisters declined their welcome.  There was no reason and I sought to find some understanding from their rejection.  Unfortunately, pursuing this led to legal problems. 
I am seeking justice for being severely punished for coming to the Monastery on March 20, 2014.  Forgive my poor judgment in returning.  I have learned not to pursue this any further and will respect the decision of the Court of no contact with the Dominican Sisters of Mary.  However, my need for reconciliation with this extreme act from a Religious Institution I revere and respect has not come to terms.  And would request the prayers of the faithful, to pray for my continued recovery from the injustice no human being deserves.  I wish to move forward with my life as a Faithful Catholic in my home community and have no intention of returning to Michigan until it is time for me to go before the court to get this felony expunged from my record. 
 Please understand and consider that I have had no criminal record until this event with the Dominican Sisters of Mary.  After graduating Rialto High School with highest honors and recognized as Salutatorian, I entered the convent in California with the Carmelite Sisters of Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles and after six years of formation with the Sisters, I returned to my family.  I went back to School and earned a Masters in Education at California State University of San Bernardino and worked as a Kindergarten and 4th Grade Teacher.  This incident will affect my future opportunities in teaching. With continued hope for my future, I will move forward from this experience with the support of my family and will not pursue any contact from a community that has horrifically treated me with an act that contradicts all charity.  

Dear Viewers, how do we respond to injustice?  The only way to respond is charity.  And CHARITY ALWAYS ADMONISHES those who broke charity.  And continue to admonish. 
If you are aware of the case that occurred with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist done against Meryl Bravo and would like to file a petition in support of Meryl Bravo's vocation to the Consecrated Life please file a complaint with the Attorney General of the State of Michigan for the Religious Community's violation of a law in using it to discourage Meryl in following God's CALL!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome to present this to the State of Michigan


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