Thursday, June 15, 2017

THE AUTHENTICITY ~ of LOVE! written by Meryl Viola Bravo

“The “fundamental question of youth,” John Paul continued, is the question of conscience and its authenticity. Conscience, the measure of human dignity, is, in a sense, the history of the world: “For history is written not only by the events which in a certain sense happen ‘from outside’; it is written first of all ‘from inside’: it is the history of human consciences, or moral victories and defeats.” To develop one’s conscience authentically is the true measure of a human personality’s development.”  Witness to Hope by George Weigel


The AUTHENTICITY of LOVE is born from a conscience that is developed and formed from the very depths of one’s dignity made in the image and likeness of God. The moral development in mankind comes forth from the inner being and formed by the grace of God who works in the soul who is molded by the work of His Hand. The moral conscience is awakened in man during times of great challenge and trial; the response of man in eternal gratitude and inner audacity to cry to Him in desperate measures assures the consolation of God who man has placed his trust in Him. The relationship of man with the God who created him is ever formed by the response and grace of faith freely given to him from the God who is ever generous to those who call upon Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. The outer being is transformed by the indwelling of the Spirit molding him ever closer to union with the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The development of love created from this union then shines forth in virtue and Christian character for the truest essence of human personality and development in moral victories. The development of grace in a soul that cooperates with the workings of Christ is a response of true freedom and a gift of faith, hope and charity. It is then that the true person made in the image and likeness of God reflects the love of Christ to all he encounters. Charity dominates his very being and transforms him through every outer event; a response that comes from the inner strength bestowed on Him by the grace of God. The development of one’s conscience geared towards a love for Christ and motivated by the spirit of the Living God present in the Most Blessed Sacrament draws man ever closer to Him and transforms and transfigures him. The moral conscience is awakened towards a greater good and an abhorrence towards what is evil. It is Christ who forms the soul to an ever newer and ever changing reality of what is eternally good and revives the soul for further growth in the Kingdom and the Salvation of Souls. To develop one’s conscience is the goal of every man who sets forth towards a higher good and an ever deeper union with the God of Love and Goodness.

O Christ, Redeemer and Savior present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I come before You as I am seeking refuge in Your Eternal Goodness. I seek You ~ for all You are is good. I seek You for all You are is ever loving in eternal splendour. I seek You as I gaze upon You in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Transform my soul into Your very image so that in my very being I may be a reflection of Your goodness and love to all I encounter in life. Transform me, O God, Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit so that Your Most Divine Indwelling may ever come alive in me more and more and the truest dignity of my life may flourish ever deeper. Transform me into Your eternal goodness and beauty reflected in this Most Awesome Sacrament alive and living reality for all those who take refuge in You, O Christ. Grant me the grace to seek only what is good and to abhor what is most offensive to You, O God. Transfigure my inner being so that all that is reflected outward may be a living image of You, O Eternal Goodness. In loving You, O God, may the very essence of my life be a praise and glory most pleasing to You, Christ, Redeemer and Savior. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, form me into the image of your Son who is love and goodness itself. Amen.

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